About Patio Designs

Play Houses Store

Selection - You'll find over 200 playhouses - something for every style and budget. You simply won't find a better selection anywhere else.

Shipping - If you value fast, low-cost shipping, this is the place for you. Our products are in stock and ready to ship right now, so you'll receive your new playhouse fast.

Satisfaction - We stand behind everything we sell and strive to provide the best online shopping experience. We're committed to offering unparalleled selection, thorough product knowledge, and excellent service.

Waste no time!! Search for your favourite Play Houses and start having enjoyable time with your children.



1. Buying a playhouse is a sure fire way to put a smile on your youngster's face. But make sure you get the right size playhouse. Try making a paper cutout of the floor area and test it in different spots to see where it best fits.

2. Most of our playhouses are super easy to construct, but it all takes time. Have a look at our inflatable playhouses or less ambitious indoor models.

3. Obviously, any playhouse you choose can be customized with decorations and paint, so don't be discouraged if it isn't the right color. Matching a playhouse to your real house is a charming way to encourage play in children.

4. The area footprint of a playhouse is important, but consider who will be using it and how long you want those growing children to be able to fit inside. The right size will be scaled to your child like a real house, but if older children are likely to play with them, you may want to boost it a size or two.


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