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Small Patio Ideas For a Larger Outlook?

Patio and Deck

Firstly, you may not need a big patio to enjoy it. If you have limited space for small patio landscaping doesn't mean you cannot have a relaxing or stylish patio. Hence, you should determine exactly how much space you have and the exact dimensions, so you can plan step by step on the type of patio materials to use, whether you have enough space to create a unique patio shape, what types of patio furniture to choose, the colors, etc. Bear in mind that the final design will determine what you can include on your patio.

If you have a small patio and you would like to make it look larger, here are some small patio ideas that you can use to visually deceive your eyes, thus, make the patio look and feel much larger than it actually is. Here are several ways to make your small patio appear bigger and some small patio ideas decor tips.

Scale your furniture.

This is an important point when it comes to making a small patio to appear larger than it is. Just because you love that gorgeous wrought iron dining table that seats ten or that huge teak sofa doesn’t mean that it will be right for your patio.

You need to maintain your patio furniture in scale with the size of the patio space. Instead of getting the formal wrought iron dining table you could use a small patio table with two or three chairs. That way you still maintain the appearance you wanted with furniture that is appropriate and suitable for your patio. If you have a small patio, using larger pieces of furniture will only emphasize the smallness of the patio.

Get multi-functional furniture.

In order to keep the small patio as organized and tidy as possible, get furniture pieces that can are multi functional. For instance, instead of getting a sofa and several tables and chairs for seating and dining, get one large sectional. The pieces of the sectional can be combined together when you want a place to lie down and relax. Alternately, you can break it up and moved around the room if you have a lot of people that need to sit down.

A large, overstuffed ottoman can double as a table dining or for playing games. In addition, custom made bench seating work wonders for small patios because it provides heaps of additional seating and storage without consuming much of the space. Having too many furniture on the patio can make it seem a lot smaller and much cluttered. Hence, several large multi functional pieces are much better than a lot of smaller patio furniture pieces.

Small Patio

Use color to enhance the natural openness of the space.

Even though you might very fond of rich, dark colors or large patterns, you should always maintain light, neutral colors or and small patterns especially if you have a small patio. Larger patterns or designs can easily overwhelm a small space and dark colors will certainly make the patio appear smaller.

It is essential to choose natural or white wicker patio furniture or light wood furniture. Apart from the furniture, keep cushions and pillows neutral or white but you can add a splash of bright colors or patterns in a few accent pillows. If the patio still doesn’t seem bright enough for you, add some color in your accessories such as the dishes that you use, some vases and other decorative objects that are placed on the patio.

In addition, you can also add in some lively patio plants such as small trees or live flowers for your patio areaThe patio edge can be lined with flowers or potted plants with colorful planters which can surely liven up your spot.

Finally, no matter what your reasoning is, small patios are exciting fun to construct. They are even more exciting to use! Therefore, have lots of fun with your small patio ideas.

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