About Patio Designs

Swing Sets Store

Selection - You'll find over 150 swing sets - something for every style and budget. You simply won't find a better selection of swing sets anywhere else.

Shipping - If you value fast, low-cost shipping, this is the place for you. Our swing sets are in stock and ready to ship right now, so you'll receive your new swing set fast.

Satisfaction - We stand behind everything we sell and strive to provide the best online shopping experience. We're committed to offering unparalleled selection, thorough product knowledge, and excellent service.

Waste no time!! Search for your favourite Swing Sets and start having enjoyable time with your children.


1. If you have very young children, be sure to equip your swing set with infant swings and toddler swings for safe, fun play options.

2. Bucket swings make a great first swing for small children. These swings feature durable designs that are safe, comfortable and enjoyable.

3. Buoy swings are fun and innovative, they will help kids build strength and coordination in their young years.

4. Classic and still popular, today's tire swings are safe, comfortable, and also as fun as you remember when you were young.

5. We offer ADA compliant swings that can be set up quickly and easily at home so everyone can join in the fun.


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