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Solar Lights Store

Selection - You'll find over 200 solar lights for every style and budget. You simply won't find a better selection anywhere else.

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Waste no time!! Search for your favourite Solar and Landscape Lights below to light up and decorate your patio.



1. In addition to increasing visibility and safety in your yard or garden, solar landscape lights are also highly cost efficient and can reduce your electric utility bill.

2. After charging during the day, the rechargeable batteries of solar landscape lights can power the bright LEDs for as long as 12 hours, more than long enough to last all through the night.

3. For convenience, a single solar panel can charge several individual solar landscape lights and an automatic on/off switch frees you from setting and coordinating complicated timers. And because solar lights are weatherproof, you basically never have to worry about them.

4. Because there are no electrical wires or extension cords to deal with, solar landscape lights are extremely portable and can be used almost anywhere in your yard.

5. Extremely versatile, solar landscape lights can be installed on the ground, on a wall or fence, or on your deck or patio. Place path lights or hanging lights along a sidewalk to illuminate a safe walking path or highlight a part of your garden with solar spot or flood lights.

6. Solar landscape lights are available in a wide variety of stylish designs to enhance the look of your backyard. Choose from solar lights with finishes in black, silver, copper, brown, white, or even antiqued verdigris.

7. Solar landscape lights use LEDs to produce light. The more LEDs contained in the light design, the brighter the illumination it will produce.


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